Finding Factual Information: Data Broker Websites

Photo by ThisIsEngineering As the name suggests, data broker websites are online platforms that help connect individuals and organizations to databases containing vast amounts of personal and business information. This information can include everything from consumer preferences and demographic data to financial records, court filings, and criminal records. While these Continue Reading

Finding Factual Information: Database Aggregators

Photo by Negative Space Database aggregators have become essential tools for finding factual information in a wide range of fields. They enable individuals to collect and organize data from multiple sources, obtaining a comprehensive overview of a particular subject matter. Database aggregators are particularly useful for researchers, educators, journalists, and Continue Reading

Finding Factual Information: Open Access Journals

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio Open access journals, also known as OA journals, are scholarly research publications that can be accessed without paywalls, subscription fees or other restrictions. These journals allow individuals to read, share and use the published work, usually under a Creative Commons license. They are increasingly becoming an Continue Reading

Finding Factual Information: Libraries

Photo by Polina Zimmerman Libraries have been the primary source of information for centuries. From ancient times, when they were mainly used for preserving knowledge, to modern-day libraries that possess large repositories of books, journals, and various digital resources used for research, the library is still a critical institution. The Continue Reading

Finding Factual Information: Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a search engine that can be used to find scholarly articles, academic papers, books, and other sources of information. It is designed specifically for researchers, students, and other professionals who need to find reliable and comprehensive information on a particular topic. Google Scholar is different from the Continue Reading